Parent/Carer survey

Parent/Carer survey

We would really appreciate it if parents/carers could complete this survey: please click here

Polite reminder to ALL parents

Class teams cannot take calls during the school day. Please leave a message with the office team which will replied to at the end of the school day once the children have left school. If there is an emergency, please leave a message with the office team as agreed by...
Parents 4 Change Conference

Parents 4 Change Conference

The choir will be performing at the Parents 4 Change Conference at Middlesbrough Football Ground on Monday 11th March 2024. The performance will take place 11.20-11.40am but parents are welcome to attend the conference from 10am – 2.30pm. For more information...
World Book Day in School

World Book Day in School

?We are celebrating World Book Day on Friday 8th March. Students (and staff) are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite story book character ?