Policies & Documents


Accessibility Policy
Admissions Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Assessment and Achievement Policy
Attendance Policy
Behaviour Regulation Policy
Bursary Policy
CCTV Policy
Charging Policy
Children who are Looked After (CLA) Policy
Child Protection Addendum
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Complaints Policy
Curriculum Vision
Data Protection Policy
Dogs in School Risk Assessment
Educational Visits Policy
Food Policy
Intimate Care Policy
Mental health and wellbeing approach
Photography and Video Policy
Provider Access Policy

Ready Respectful Safe
RSE Policy
SEN Information Report
Single Equality Scheme Policy
Strategic Goals 2021-24
Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions
Whistleblowing Policy


The designated person for safeguarding is Jane May (Deputy Head Teacher). In her absence please contact Pippa Irwin (Head Teacher).

The Governors responsible for safeguarding are Helen Murphy, Catherine Davidson and Maria Bache.

Beverley School is a specialist school for children and young people with autism where staff and governors are fully committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of our pupils.


Safeguarding Procedures/Guidelines

What to do if you have a safeguarding/child protection concern regarding one of the pupils within school:

Your concern must be taken to a designated member of staff immediately and not discussed with anyone else

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Jane May (DHT), other designated staff are: Pippa Irwin (HT) and Lisa Hyde (Family Liaison Officer). If none of the designated people are available you must take it to one of the school’s Keystage Leaders:  Andy Smyth, Kerry Guy, Karen Revill, Judith Donachey or Wendy Rush.

Remember child abuse may be identified through a complex mixture of:

physical symptoms; behavioural characteristics;   background factors

If a disclosure is made to you by a child allow them to communicate it in their own way, do not rephrase or reinterpret their answers.     Do not ask direct questions about the information given but use open ended ones such as ‘Is there anything else you want to tell me?’

  • Notes made outlining the concern need to be recorded on CPOMS
  • The DSL will act accordingly eg ringing parents, referring to social services or contacting other relevant agencies/professionals.
  • The actions of the DSL are recorded on CPOMS. Appropriate staff are informed via CPOMS
  • The Family Liaison Officer – Lisa Hyde will also record information via CPOMS.
  • Feedback is given to staff regarding the initial concern as deemed appropriate.
  • There are many other things that occur in school to reduce the chance of a situation becoming a child protection concern for example; Effective/professional relationships with outside agencies have been established and regular contact is maintained when families have several agencies working with them. LT members will make referrals to agencies such as Social services (Child with Disability team/Transitions team), CAMHS/LD CAMHS, Home Support, Network/multiagency meetings, Core Group Meetings.


E-safety is about teaching our children and young people to be safe online.  Our students are growing up in a digital age and it is of the upmost importance that they can use the technology available to them safely.  Here at Beverley School the way we teach these skills will vary according to our pupil’s individual needs but the messages will be the same.

We are keen to communicate with parents and governors about issues surrounding e-safety.  We have published documents here and are happy to liaise with parents.  If you have any concerns or would like additional information please contact our named e-safety officer, Kerry Guy, at school.

Privacy Notice

You may be aware that from May 2018, the rules around data protection  changed. The ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR) deems how we can use your personal data and keep it safe; it also strengthens your rights over your own data. Any queries should be directed to Louise Robertson, Teacher/Data Protection Officer.


To support parents and carers in keeping their children safe online while they are off school, Thinkuknow have produced two help sheets with advice and links to Thinkuknow resources they can use at home.
More information can be found on the  Thinkuknow website for guidance and support with keeping children safe online.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

If you have concerns about a child who may be in danger of abuse or if you have seen something online which has made you uncomfortable in any way, then the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is the dedicated organisation who can help you.


Parent Info

Parent Info is a newsfeed service offering free support and advice from leading experts on digital family life. Expert advice to help families through isolation and quarantine will be delivered regularly through Parent Info in the coming weeks and months.

Send Local Offer

The Local Offer is where the council have brought together useful information for children, young people with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.

It is there to help you find information, advice and guidance about the types of services and support available to you in our local area. They work in partnership with Parents4Change and young people to develop their offer and will continue to do so to ensure you can access the right support at the right time.

More information can be found at: www.middlesbrough.gov.uk/localoffer

SSAT Membership

Click here for SSAT Membership Certificate