SMSC and British Values

Promoting British Values at Beverley School

At Beverley School we promote the fundamental British Values in line with the Government’s PREVENT theme of the anti-terrorist strategy Contest.

We recognise those values to be;

  • Democracy
  • Individual liberty
  • The rule of law
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of each other, our faiths and our beliefs.
  • Each area is defined below with the school context in mind. It is the responsibility of every member of staff to ensure that they support and promote these values.


Democracy can be seen as a state of society characterised by equality of rights and privileges. It can also refer to our nation’s electoral systems.

In school we promote the importance of democracy through such things as;

  • The free and fair election of members to student council
  • Students take part in national elections of young politicians
  • Students listen to each other in class and discuss their class rules and codes of conduct
  • The right to be treated fairly by all and the responsibility to treat others fairly

Individual Liberty

Individual liberty suggests the free exercise of rights generally seen as outside Government control.

In school we promote the importance of individual liberty through such things as;

  • The increasing liberty afforded to students as they move through the school. This can range from simple opportunities for independence eg taking registers or messages around school to students having their own fob to move freely around departments
  • Choices throughout the school day eg choice of food at lunchtime
  • From Year 11 some pupils are allowed to leave site to visit the local shops
  • The wide variety of after school clubs and lunchtime enrichment clubs
  • Students are offered academic choices wherever possible

Rule of Law

All people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced

In school we promote the importance of the rule of law through such things as;

  • Shared classroom codes of practice and wider school expectations
  • Policies set clear boundaries which are explained to students where appropriate
  • Accountability stressed to all stakeholders including staff, students and Governors

Mutual Respect

The proper regard for an individual’s dignity.

In school we promote the importance of mutual respect through such things as;

  • The school vision statement
  • Classroom codes of practice
  • The requirement for a smart dress code for both staff and students
  • Wellbeing promotes mutual respect through the skills developed in PHSE lessons, assemblies and through everyday opportunities in lessons and leisure time

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

A fair, objective and permissive attitude to those whose faith and beliefs may differ from one’s own.

In school we promote the importance of tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through such things as;


  • Christian festivals including Easter, Harvest Festival, Christmas (Christingle at the local church)
  • Acceptance of faith symbolism
  • Religious education taught to all students across the key stages
  • Assemblies which explore other faiths
  • Opportunities to explore other faith occasions eg Diwali, Eid

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) Statement

Beverley School is an all age special school for students with Autism.  Our school is an accessible, inclusive and integral part of the community. It is a school where diversity is celebrated and everybody treated as a unique individual.

At Beverley School we recognise that the personal development of students spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to achieve and learn, and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life.   The four areas can be defined as:

Spiritual Development: being reflective about beliefs, values and aspects of human experience, using imagination and creativity and developing a curiosity in learning.

Moral development: recognising right and wrong in school life and outside, understanding consequences, investigating moral and ethical issues and offering reasoned views.

Social development: using a range of social skills in different contexts, working well with others, resolving conflicts and understanding how communities work.

Cultural development: responding positively to a range of artistic, sporting and other cultural opportunities and to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

At Beverley we aim to provide the following:

  • A stimulating curriculum that is meaningful, appropriate and relevant to our students enabling them to maintain progress and reach their full potential.
  • A safe and secure learning environment.
  • A consistent approach to the delivery of SMSC development through the curriculum and the overall life of the school.
  • Close liaison and working partnerships with parents/carers and other service providers.
  • Adults who are good role models and promote expected behaviour, treating everyone as unique and valuable individuals and show respect for students and their families.

Opportunities are created for the development of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development through the curriculum in each subject area and in other wider school opportunities, the PSHCE curriculum,  assemblies, educational visits,  visitors to school, Student Council, special events (fund raising, cultural experiences) and enrichment activities during the school day and after school.