At Beverley School we invest time into the Continued Professional Development (CPD) of all our staff, staff attend external and internal training to address key areas of our School Improvement Plan. Lead STAs attend staff meetings each week. Opportunities to meet with class teams are taken after morning briefing.
At Beverley School we lead and deliver a range of Autism Training for other professionals across Middlesbrough and other neighbouring authorities. This includes Schools Direct Teacher Training , SCITT (Durham), NQTs and SENCOs.
All satff receive Level 1 Safeguarding (with senior staff completing level 3) Team Teach (positive handling strategies) and PREVENT training to support pupils vulnerable to extremism. Additionally, some staff have had PECS training, First Aid, Team Teach Instructor training, TEACCH training, Makaton (signing) and EVAC with lifting and handling training. In house CPD has included phonics training, new assessment framework awareness, effective questioning and sensory integration awareness for individual pupils. Senior leaders are also trained in Safe Recruitment and reference given to the document Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Many of our staff are also studying in their own time. For example some staff have completed Level 2 and level 3 teaching assistant courses, Post Graduate qualification in Autism, Certificate in Education courses and the NPQSL course.